Tyranny of the wise
By: Arastah Jannat Islam
Is it necessary to prove someone worthless to prove someone else's worth? Is it necessary to point out someone's faults to haul up another's position? How important is it to shut someone up to justify what you are saying?
Can no two people together be right in their own ways? Especially, when both mean the same but just with the different choices of words.
It's all about the fight for credit of quoting the correct statement. But here too another question arises. Can't the credit be shared? I can understand credits are important and encouraging however the worthies can always share. Now, who is going to decide whether the person deserves or not?
So, here I come to the point of matter after straining your eyes with the question marks. The thing is, of late I have been encountering (as for some reason my stars must be moving the wrong way) some wise people who have issues with everything and everyone around. From the way someone dresses, to the way someone moves on the road; from the way someone might think, to the way someone pukes (I know that was an exaggeration... however), they find faults. Their fundamental problem is the way people think. In fact, the problem lies with the whole act of thinking (even if the line of thought is the same). Like I have already mentioned about same thought, but the different choices of words. As if thinking is their copyright! However, they have problem with the whole system.
Even I have issues with the systems (of all kinds). I feel we should live free of some hackneyed system; breaking free from the monotony. But, I can also understand that it is impossible because we are civilized human beings, God's best creation, a farrago of embezzlement and chaos (finally, l get to use "the word"), who goes mad at the mere mention of freedom, finding new ways to misuse it.
Now, the category of people (wise people) I was talking about, have opinions on everything. It is good to have a thinking mind with opinions. But, it is also a fact that too much of everything is bad. Each and every time we don't really have to express our opinions and suggestions even on the most trivial matter. And of course, they seem to have solutions to all the problems (even if it is not a problem).
For instance, you like cold coffee when the wise one doesn't. And God forbid, you mention it to them. They will make you doubt your aesthetic sense and you may for a moment decide to give up your favourite drink (if not for the taste but then for the extensively unbearably intolerable admonition associated with it). Like I said even if it's not a problem they will make it seem like one.
And how can I forget their substantial mastery over appeasing spouses and in-laws (though they weren't in any such kind of relationships ever) and also ways to raise children (which they don't have for obvious reasons). True that people may gain knowledge by observing and I absolutely don't deny their knowledge. But please leave alone people married for years and raising more than one children!! Specially when they don't want and need any enlightenment on the subject. They are the fountain of advice that keeps on flowing even if you don't need any. They make sure you follow their advice.
I have noticed that to prove their intelligence they can lecture you on the benefits of drinking water even if you are a PhD on the 'Benefits of Drinking Water'. (Does that even exist?) The same person can turn into a physicist, a chemist, a biologist, an astronaut, an artist, an entrepreneur, a spiritual leader and all specialities that could exist in the universe. No...I'm not exaggerating. I have been a victim of this species. I have seen a doctor being victimized when the poor doctor had to get lesson on his profession from the wise one.
One of them even enlightened me with the fact that Rajasthan is hotter than Shimla (I doubted my own existence at that moment.) They have that issue where they have the feeling of being the superior and it seems they are the only ones who are busy and who work (Rest of us are worthless creatures).
I can understand the self love. I too am head over heels in love with myself. But apparently they take narcissism to another level. However if you ponder on a deeper level they are one insecure beings. Though they try to portray the self love and throw an air of superiority all the time, contrarily, they themselves are in fact trying to be convinced of their self-worth of being some unreachable, superior species.
Counselling can help them though. But as long as they don't seek help I seek the Almighty to rescue me from their torment, else I will end up taking counselling.
God save us all!
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