I too had a love story: 7 reasons why good girls fall for bad boys
By Chandra Goswami
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Source: Internet |
Every girl wishes to be loved passionately in that wild demonic way where the guy is chasing her like a Godzilla.
Sounds scary???
Well, falling for bad boys is not for the faint-hearted either.
It takes courage to face the storm upfront, dropping all your guards. And a relationship with a certified bad boy can be as catastrophic as experiencing a cyclone.The girls who have survived a relationship with Satan incarnated as human will know how deeply such relationships can bruise your soul.
But, if you are a survivor, I bet you remember that bad boy in your life more vividly than any other good individuals whom you met later.
After all, it’s easy to forget the roses; roses fade away, what you don’t forget are the scars given by the thorns
So here are the 7 points why I think good girls fall for bad boys.
1) Bad boys are creative liars
Bad boys are easy liars. They make superhuman promises simply because they do not wish to keep any of them. They lie with the flair and skill of an actor without feeling guilty about it. Their passion at the time of courtship almost touches the pedestal of divinity from where they are ever ready to escape when the situation forces them to take a stance.
But for girls, these lofty promises look too enticing to miss, even if they are a lie. After all, no other men would have the courage to speak such deep words, if they have no real intention of fulfilling them. Men mostly are timid and scared knowing that when the time comes it will reveal their lack of integrity if they do not fulfill their promises.
Bad boys are like a dream come true. They are courageous, passionate and their lie reveals the intimate desire of every girl. To be loved till madness.
2) They make you feel special when they are bad for everyone except you
It is pretty normal to get goosebumps when someone makes you feel special. But then you see them caring more for you and less for others. And you are instantly trapped into thinking that they truly love you.
It feels really good when an otherwise irresponsible brat who is hated by women for being mean behaves irresistibly sweet and caring with you. It feels good when a self-centered punk won’t leave you alone in the bus stop just to make sure you are safe.
Being bad is their nature, but when they behave well with you, it gives you a pseudo sense of power.
You feel that you have the control of their life until the equation turns around and they start controlling you. In the rat race, they make you feel important until they are chasing you and then you are left to do the rest of chasing which, by the way, super inflates their ego (ever wondered where did this guy get all the energy of chasing you day in and day out during initial days of your courtship?)
3) They are more candid in approach
When they are chasing you, they will open up to you like a child to their mother, dropping all their guards. They will show you their need for emotional support. They will seek your continuous attention and will show tantrums if you ignore them even for a minute. They come quite handy as they will force you to meet them often & talk to you over phone until the crack of the dawn. They will show an eagerness to tell you all about themselves as if you earn a degree in psychology and can help them get better with constant listening. This innocent candidness with which they reveal their vulnerability can get any girl grow weak on her knees.
4) It comes as a challenge and the ultimate test of love to see a bad boy turn good for you
The biggest problem with love is that it cannot be quantified or qualified. It cannot be measured.
So, how do you ever know how much you are loved?
Thankfully, while chasing a bad guy you have a straight formula to judge whether he loves you or not. If he sticks around and gives up all his bohemian notions of life, you can be sure your love has more force than the gravitational pull of the earth. After all, you have been able to bring a wayward man back to his normal orbit which revolves around you.
But if he decides to remain a vagabond, always playing with your delicate state of mind, well you know that it won’t work out! Time to move on and bang your head somewhere else.
5) They are not bad always. Sometimes they are just better than the good boys
They will shock you with innumerable surprises, gifts and impromptu love messages. Yes, they at least have the tactic to play the game well. And to top it all, many times they will genuinely care for you, give you good advice and go above and beyond to help you out. This leads to more chaos in your head whether to tag them as a good person or bad.
6) They accept your flaws and they want you to be bad
To some extent, these guys know they are not the best of the specimen mankind could generate. As such, they do not get the shock of their life if you reveal your flaws to them.
It’s such a relief!
To some extent, they expect humanity to be flawed and ugly (almost like their replica). You can drink with them, smoke in their company, tell them shitty jokes because they are here for the thrill, and thrill doesn’t begin unless you reveal your spoiled self.
7) They never end relationships:
They linger on like the last night’s perfume that you had put on, completely overlooking the fact that they have wrecked your life with their carelessness. They would totally reject acknowledging any responsibility in your downfall. They will try to be in touch with you as friends, as buddies, or as friends with benefit. But, they will not seize their objective of seeing you relapse into the stage of emotional need for them. And many a time, it takes girls years to finally realize that there is no future in such a relationship.
If you have lived through all the points mentioned above, give a pat on your back. You have actually lived through a lot and survived the worst that life can offer. While we may feel disillusioned thinking we have been used by those heartless monsters, let’s face the fact. Didn’t we know what we were getting ourselves into? Probably we did. Then why did we allow them to enchant us? The answer is simple… For us, who yearn for excitement, the lie weaved with the fire of passion is better than the truth that lacks zeal.
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Source: Internet |
Maybe that phase of intense passion was short-lived. Maybe it was not burning with the spirit of sincerity. But at least we did touch the fire of hell before returning back to the mundane story of our lives. And at the end, we will have our own little secret tale, kept securely in our closets only to be revealed, each time we meet a kindred soul as tormented as us. And there we will begin our tale with the words “I too had a love story”.
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