Tormented Times of House Hunting for Bachelors!

By: Mehnaz Farooque

It was a bright, sunny day and the world seemed pretty normal until, three girls came to the door and said, “Uncle, can we see the 2BHK that is for to-let?” If there was background music, it would have much sounded like the “Hindi daily soap” shocking music. Suddenly, the sun was losing its shine, and imaginary clouds appeared above the owner uncle. Then bursting the bubble of incertitude, the owner uncle replied, “It is only for families!”.

And all hopes of Mini, Pini and Sinu went in vain, yet again. All the walking under the heat of the cruel sun and shedding the sweat couldn't bring them anything. It was the 13th house that they tried that day. While some of the owners had a problem with them being bachelors, the others even had a problem with them being girls. House hunting had become a never ending Roadies task for them.
image source: internet

But that can be for anybody, right? I mean, finding the apt house can be a real pain. But that pain is deeper and fatal when you are an unmarried woman.  It’s like a curse to find a house for single girls. Mini, Pini and Sinu were on their house hunting and nothing seemed to have had been working for them.

But they were not the ones who would give up easily. Each of them had a glass of mixed fruit juice with ice, put on their sunglasses, and walked ahead with the zeal of the Powerpuff girls. They needed a house, grievously and desperately!

As they looked upon maybe the 20th lane, they saw a board saying “2BHK”.

They looked at each other with undying hopes.They felt a tinkling effect in their bodies as they approached the house. With sheer courage and hints of agitation, Sinu held her hand on the door to knock. Few drops of sweat ran down Pini’s forehead. The three kept their fingers crossed. And right when Sinu was about to reach for the door, Mini exclaimed, “It’s for family”, Mini implied towards a small sign, marking “For Family Only” in faded black ink.

Pini and Sinu exclaimed, “The bad F word!”

It was the fourth day that they were looking for a house. Calls were made, sites were Googled, but nothing was working out. And the little innocent and somewhat alcohol-filled souls were lost in the world of disappointments. House hunting for bachelors is not just house hunting. It is an elaborate interviewing process that may lead you to question the very existence of bachelorhood. It may bring you torments of being single, which otherwise didn't even matter to you. It will make you realize the very hollowness of you being unmarried, single and everything in between. Moreover, your chances of getting a house will be inversely proportional to your physical passions. The more they find you non-active in your “personal satisfaction” activities, the more you are capable of living in a sociable area.
image source:internet

Since the three of them seemed perfectly “cool types”, they had to go through a great deal in finding the house.

So what next? Did they find a house? Did the world become a little considerate to the poor souls? Well, I believe in Happy Endings. So in the piece, they do find a great house.

I wonder though if in reality it was the same!

Our society has a weird preconception that bachelors are some other kind of species. They think bachelors are synonymous with drugs, sex and many other "not to be mentioned' things. They forget that we can be some normal 'dal chawal' eating types too. Yes, we do party, we do have sex, but that we also may be good, hard-working people too, who are trying to make a life. Our ways of dressing or talking maybe a little different, but that doesn't mean we are non-sociable! Just because we are single girls or boys doesn't  have to mean that we are irresponsible. 

The society just needs to be a little broader in their ways of accepting a different generation. Maybe if we are accepted, we will be understood too. 

And for all the bachelors looking for a suitable roof, irrespective of your genders and sexual orientations, "May the odds be in your favour!"


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