5 things only a person suffering from thyroid would understand!

By: Chandra Goswami Source: Internet How many of you have thyroid , raise your hand? Put it down silly, I can’t see you. But, if you did raise your hand, blame it on your thyroid which gets you dazed most of the time. The World cannot understand the trauma that a person suffering from thyroid goes through. Just because there’s very little physical manifestation as compared to other disorders, thyroid is hardly taken seriously even by the patient (see how weird it sounds when we use the word 'patient' with thyroid?). Mostly, thyroid takes your hormones for a ride. The chemical mess creates an emotional and cognitive mayhem. Raise your hand if your mind goes blank so often that you have started writing a diary to remember everything. So, have you raised your hand? I can’t see you even now! If you are getting what I am talking about, you are on the right page. However, if you think this is nothing more than a mumbo-jumbo, buddy, just ...